Wizards of Lua

The Art of Spell Crafting

Commands - Managing Custom Commands

The Commands module allows the registration of custom commands than can be used from the chat line.

Here is an overview of the Commands functions:

Function Parameters Results
 deregister  name nil
 register  name, luaCode, usage, permissionLevel nil


Below you find short descriptions about each of the functions and some examples about how to use them in your spells.

deregister (name) -> nil

Deregisters the command with the given name. This function can only deregister custom commands that have been registered with ‘register’.

register (name, luaCode, usage, permissionLevel) -> nil

Registers a new custom command with the given name and the given Lua code (provided as text). Optionally accepts the usage string as a third parameter and the command’s permission level as a fourth parameter.

The Lua code will be compiled every time when the command is issued.

The command stays registered until it is deregistered or the server is being restarted.

Permission Level

Set the permission level to nil if you want that all players can use the command (this is the default). Set the permission level to a value between 1 and 4 if you want only operators to use it. See section “op-permission-level” of the Minecraft Wiki for more information about the meaning of the different permission levels.


Registering a command called “home” that teleports the calling player to his last known spawn point, or otherwise to the world spawn.

  local p = spell.owner
  local n = p.nbt
  if n.SpawnX then
     p.pos = Vec3(n.SpawnX, n.SpawnY, n.SpawnZ)
     p.pos = p.world.spawnPoint


Registering a command called “health” that can set the health of the specified player to the specified value.

  local name,value = ...
  local p=Entities.find("@a[name="..name.."]")[1]
  if p then
    print("player not found")
]], "/health <player> <new health>")


Registering a command that needs operator permission level 4.

  print("you are very cool")
]], "/cool-command", 4)