Wizards of Lua

The Art of Spell Crafting


The PlayerItemTossEvent is fired whenever a player tosses (for example by pressing ‘Q’) an item or drag-n-drops a stack of items outside the inventory GUI screens.

Canceling the event will stop the items from entering the world, but will not prevent them being removed from the inventory - and thus removed from the system.

The PlayerItemTossEvent class is a subtype of the EntityEvent class and inherits all its properties and functions.

Here is an overview of the PlayerItemTossEvent properties:

Property Type read / write
item DroppedItem r
player Player r


Below you find short descriptions about each of the properties and some examples about how to use them in your spells.

item : DroppedItem

This is the dropped item being tossed.

player : Player

The player tossing the item.