Wizards of Lua

The Art of Spell Crafting

Vec3 - Manipulating Location and Motion

An instance of the Vec3 class represents a ‘3-dimensional Vector’.

Mostly a 3-dimensional vector is used to denote a position in the 3-dimensional world space or a constant velocity of an object inside that space.

However, a vector can be used for many other ‘things’ that can be described by 3 independent numerical values.

To create a vector you can call the Vec3 function:

myvec = Vec3( 1, 2, 3)

This creates a vector called ‘myvec’ with the component values x=1, y=2, z=3.

Here is an overview of the Vec3 properties:

Property Type read / write
x number r/w
y number r/w
z number r/w

Here is an overview of the Vec3 functions:

Function Parameters Results
 add  other Vec3
 chunk  number, number
 dotProduct  other Vec3
 invert  Vec3
 magnitude  Vec3
 normalize  Vec3
 scale  factor Vec3
 sqrMagnitude  Vec3
 substract  other Vec3
 tostring  string


Below you find short descriptions about each of the properties and some examples about how to use them in your spells.

x : number

The X-component of the vector

y : number

The Y-component of the vector

z : number

The Z-component of the vector


Below you find short descriptions about each of the functions and some examples about how to use them in your spells.

add (other) -> Vec3

Returns a new vector that is the result of adding the other vector to the current vector.


Adding two vectors.

local p1 = Vec3( 1, 0, 8)
local p2 = Vec3( -1, 2, 3)
local p3 = p1:add( p2)

Since add() is also used as __add of Vec3’s metatable, you can shorten the above example by using the + operator.

local p1 = Vec3( 1, 0, 8)
local p2 = Vec3( -1, 2, 3)
local p3 = p1 + p2

chunk () -> number, number

The ‘chunk’ function interprets this vector as world coordinate, converts them into chunk coordinates, and returns them as a multi-value result.


Converting the spell’s world coordinates into chunk coordinates.

local chunkX, chunkZ = spell.pos:chunk()

dotProduct (other) -> Vec3

Returns the ‘dot’ product of the current vector and the other vector.


Creating the dot-product of two vectors.

local p1 = Vec3( 5, 4, 3)
local p2 = Vec3( 2, 4, 6)
local p3 = p1:dotProduct( p2)

Since dotProduct() is also used in __mul of Vec3’s metatable, you can shorten the above example by using the * operator.

local p1 = Vec3( 5, 4, 3)
local p2 = Vec3( 2, 4, 6)
local p3 = p1 * p2

invert () -> Vec3

Returns an inverted version of the current vector.


Inverting a vector.

local p1 = Vec3( 5, 2 , -1)
local p2 = p1:invert()

Since invert() is also used as __unm of Vec3’s metatable, you can shorten the above example.

local p1 = Vec3( 5, 2 , -1)
local p2 = - p1

magnitude () -> Vec3

Returns the length of the current vector.


Getting the length of a vector.

local p = Vec3( 2, 3, 4)
local len = p:magnitude()

normalize () -> Vec3

Returns a normalized version of the current vector, which means a vector with a magnitude of 1 meter and pointing into the same direction as the original vector.


Normalizing a vector.

local vec = Vec3( 2, 3, 4)
local normalizedVec = vec:normalize()

scale (factor) -> Vec3

Returns a copy of current vector, scaled by the given factor.


Scaling a vector by 3.

local p1 = Vec3( 11, 22, 33)
local p2 = p1:scale( 3)

Since scale() is also used as __mul of Vec3’s metatable, you can shorten the above example.

local p1 = Vec3( 11, 22, 33)
local p2 = p1 * 3

sqrMagnitude () -> Vec3

Returns the squared length of the current vector.


Getting the ‘squared’ length of a vector.

local p = Vec3( 2, 3, 4)
local slen = p:sqrMagnitude()

substract (other) -> Vec3

Returns a new vector that is the result of substracting the other vector from the current vector.


Substracting two vectors.

local p1 = Vec3( 5, 4, 3)
local p2 = Vec3( 2, 4, 6)
local p3 = p1:substract( p2)

Since substract() is also used as __sub of Vec3’s metatable, you can shorten the above example by using the - operator.

local p1 = Vec3( 5, 4, 3)
local p2 = Vec3( 2, 4, 6)
local p3 = p1 - p2

tostring () -> string

Returns a string with the following format ‘(x, y, z)’.


Printing the vector using tostring().

local p = Vec3( 11, 22, 33)
print( p:tostring() )

Since tostring() is also used as __tostring of Vec3’s metatable, you can shorten the above example.

local p = Vec3( 11, 22, 33)
print( p)