Wizards of Lua

The Art of Spell Crafting

Spell - Aspects of an Active Spell

The Spell is one of the main magic classes used in most known spells. It is used to control the properties and the behaviour of the executed spell itself.

The Spell class is a subtype of the VirtualEntity class and inherits all its properties and functions.

Here is an overview of the Spell properties:

Property Type read / write
block Block r/w
data table r
owner Entity r
sid number (long) r
visible boolean r/w

Here is an overview of the Spell functions:

Function Parameters Results
 execute  command, … number


Below you find short descriptions about each of the properties and some examples about how to use them in your spells.

block : Block

The ‘block’ denotes the block’s state at the spell’s position. Use it to find out about what material the block is constructed of, or in which direction it is facing.


Printing the name of the block at the spell’s position.



Inspecting the block at the spell’s position.



Changing the block at the spell’s position into dirt.

spell.block = Blocks.get("dirt")


Copying the block at the spell’s position 10 times upwards.

local copy = spell.block
for i=1,10 do
  spell.block = copy

data : table

The ‘data’ property is a spell-specific table that can hold custom key-value pairs. These entries are modifiable not only by the owning spell itself but also by all other spells. Therefore the data property is very well suited for exchanging information between spells.


Storing a copy of the block at the spell’s position into the ‘block’ entry of the spell’s data property.

spell.data.block = spell.block:copy()


Creating a spell called ‘rain-spell’ that is dropping a lot of copies of a specific item that is defined in the ‘item’ entry of the spell’s data property.

spell.name = 'rain-spell'
spell.visible = true
while true do
  local item = spell.data.item
  if item then
  local dx = math.random(-1,1)
  local dz = math.random(-1,1)
  spell.pos = spell.pos + Vec3(dx,0,dz)

Finding the (first) spell called ‘rain-spell’ and setting the item that is ‘raining’ down.

local otherSpellName = 'rain-spell'
local otherSpell = Spells.find({name=otherSpellName})[1]
otherSpell.data.item = Items.get('diamond_axe')

owner : Entity

The ‘owner’ is a reference to the entity that owns this spell.

In general, the owner is the same entity that has casted this spell directly using the /lua command.

In most circumstances this will be a player. But it can be any other entity if the spell has been casted using the “/execute” command.

For example, the following command

/execute @e[type=pig] ~ ~ ~ /lua spell.visible=true; sleep(20)

will cast a new spell on behalf of the next pig around. In this case that pig will be the spell’s owner.

The owner can also be nil. That’s the case if the spell has been casted from a command block or from the server console.

If a spell casts another spell using spell:execute(), then the owner is inherited by the new spell.


Printing the name of this spell’s owner.

if spell.owner then

sid : number (long)

The ‘sid’ is the spell’s numerical id.


Breaking each spell in the range of 10 meters.

found = Spells.find({maxradius=10})
for _,s in pairs(found) do
  spell:execute("wol spell break bySid %s", s.sid)

visible : boolean

The ‘visible’ property defines if this spell is visible for players.


Making the spell visible.

spell.visible = true


Making the spell visible and moving it around in a circle.

spell.visible = true
start = spell.pos
for a=0,math.pi*2,0.1 do
  z = math.sin(a)
  x = math.cos(a)
  r = 3
  spell.pos = start + Vec3(x,0,z) * r


Below you find short descriptions about each of the functions and some examples about how to use them in your spells.

execute (command, …) -> number

This function executes the given Minecraft command.

A command can be specified with or without the leading slash ‘/’ character.

This function supports additional arguments which are ‘formatted’ into placeholders that must be present in the command string. See string.format() for more information.

The command will be effective from this spell’s position since this spell is the command’s source.

If a /lua command is executed, then the new spell inherits this spell’s owner.


Setting the game time to “day”.

spell:execute("/time set day")


Letting the current spell say “hello”.

spell:execute("/say hello")


Letting the player “mickkay” say “hello”:

spell:execute("/execute mickkay ~ ~ ~ say hello")


Spawning a zombie at the spell’s current location.

spell:execute("/summon zombie ~ ~ ~")


Spawning some smoke particles at the spell’s current location using a command placeholder.

local particle = "smoke"
spell:execute("/particle %s ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0", particle)


Building a wall by concurrently casting serveral spells, each building a pillar.

for x=1,20 do
    for i=1,5 do
      spell.block = Blocks.get("stone")


Drawing a circle of black smoke around the spell’s position with a radius of 1.4 meters

start = spell.pos
for a=0,math.pi*2,0.1 do
  z = math.sin(a)
  x = math.cos(a)
  y = 0.6
  r = 1.4
  spell.pos = start + Vec3(x,y,z) * r
  spell:execute("/particle largesmoke ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 1")