Wizards of Lua

The Art of Spell Crafting

The Spell Book Library

To interact with the Minecraft world, a spell can make use of a special application programming interface (API). This API is documentend by a bunch of small books which are collected inside this Spell Book Library.

The Wizards of Lua use magic words as ingredients to craft powerful spells. This library contains a collection of books that list all basic magic words that have been discovered, or invented, by the very first members, called archmages, so far. There are a lot of different categories of magic words: keywords, modules, classes, properties, and functions. The books listed below cover all those categories, but not all words completely. There are, almost certainly, more words out there, but to begin with, this library is a good starting point.

Library of Lua

On this page you find a list of books that are organized by classes and modules. Every class and module is documented within its own book. Inside each book you will find sections about properties and functions. In each of those there is a brief description about their nature, their effects, and, if available, about the options you have to influence these effects.

To make it easy for the reader, the authors have added some small examples to each section, that can be used as recipes for crafting spells.

This list is sorted alphabetically.